Thursday, July 25, 2013

Classroom set up

I have been thinking a lot lately about the best way to set up a kindergarten classroom. I know there is really no right or wrong way, and many factors must be considered. I was able to get a sneak peek of my classroom when I moved my things there at the end of the year from my old school. It is quite different....I actually have doors and windows you can see out of!!!! Here are a couple pictures.
Most of the things shown in this picture are not mine. Another teacher was moving out of this classroom, and everything except the desk and tables will be gone. The back section where the white board is will be my morning meeting/whole group lesson area.

I am thinking about putting a dramatic play area in the left corner of this picture. I can change the scenery in the dramatic play based on what the theme is. I am going to leave the computers where they are. I believe I will also move the table to the from of the classroom, so I can have my small groups. 
I am excited for the large, blank space on the wooden wall. There are color posters up there, but they are going to be removed. I am going to make that space into a first theme with owls on the tree branches. Each owl will have a child's name on it,and their work can be displayed. My whole classroom theme is owls. That's what I was known for in my first and second grade classrooms, so I am continuing on. Plus, I love owls :) the corner where the yellow bulletin board is will be where I put my small groups, and hang out word wall. I am also going to put a rug in front of the black cubbies and section off an area for the library. I want to put bean bags and comfy mats down for reading! 
Well, that is about it for now. I am itching to get into the classroom to start setting up! I don't want to rush summer too much though.

I will leave you all with one question

Do you have access to your classroom all year, or does your school open up sometime before the start of school for classroom set up?


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